Unlimited email ids with one Gmail account

If you have a Gmail id, then theoretically you can have unlimited email ids. But practically they are derivatives of your original id. This is a kool feature!It gives you immense possibilities on how to utilise your ID.

This is how it works: 
  • Using dots (.):
Gmail does not recognize dots as characters within a username. Instead, it will ignore all dots in a username. For instance, the account yourname@gmail.com receives mail sent to your.name@gmail.com, y.ourna.m.e@gmail.com, etc. This can help in setting filters for incoming mail. However, when signing in, it is necessary to include any dots used in the creation of the account.

You can also put more than one dots (..........) and can put dots before and after your username like "..........user.name...@gmail.com"

Learn More:https://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?ctx=%67mail&hl=en_GB&answer=10313
  • Using plus (+):
Gmail supports plus-addressing of e-mails.That means users can send messages to addresses in the format username+extratext@gmail.com, where extratext can be any string, and will arrive in the inbox of username@gmail.com. You can try username+extratext+againextratext@gmail.com also!

This allows users to sign up for different services with different identities and then easily filter all e-mails from those services. In addition, if you receive spam messages directed to an e-mail address with the extra text, you can know what services have leaked out their e-mail address. This is the great use of plus!! But remember some websites do not accept email addresses containing "+", even though its worth a shot!

Other webmails like Yahoo! and Hotmail have their own methods of doing all these.I know Yahoo! does not allow "plus-addressing" but it allows "minus-addressing"

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