Unbeatable browsing experience with Greasemonkey

Greasemonkey is a Mozilla Firefox Add-on(>>).It is widely used to tweak/change HTML based web pages on the fly.Perhaps it is the most powerful firefox add-on.As Greasemonkey scripts are persistent, the changes made to the web pages are executed every time the page is opened, making them effectively permanent for the user running the script.

Tweaking like,if you want to auto fill forms, remove specific content, such as advertising, popups, even whole sections of a page, add in-line smileys while composing mails in Gmail or do some html formatting in Orkut communities or if you want to add a link to download a Youtube video under that particular video like that like that tonnes of useful functions are available!

To Install Greasemonkey
open your mozilla firefox browser and click Tools >> Add-ons.You can get Greasemonkey Add-on from there.
directly go to https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/748/
and download Greasemonkey.

After installing, you can access Greasemonkey options through Tools >> Greasemonkey
there will be a cute monkey face on the left corner of browser status bar.

Once you install Greasemonkey, you can find numerous JavaScript(>>) codes called userscripts (Thats what a greasemonkey script file called) for different purposes in internet.These files having an extension of .user.js

To Install Userscripts
You can download userscripts (.user.js files) mainly from core repository http://userscripts.org/ or any other sites (use scripts only from trusted sources).
Download script and/or open it with mozilla firefox.You may have to use "open with.." if script is downloaded.Once it is opened, you can find install option appeared (in firefox3) or go to tools and find install option there (older versions).

Some links related to Greasemonkey:
Homepage - http://www.greasespot.net/
Official wiki - http://wiki.greasespot.net/
Find Userscripts - http://userscripts.org/
Wikipedia article on Greasemonkey - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greasemonkey


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